The Clinical team focuses on training and support for individuals with behaviors.
About Us
The Inclusion Services Clinical Team provides initial and ongoing behavior training to all staff. Support staff are given initial and ongoing behavior training, in field support and guided feedback during sessions with consumers. Trainings include behavioral intervention strategies to assist with the prevention and management of maladaptive behaviors with our consumers. The behavior team conducts 1:1 meeting with staff, supervisors and directors to provide constant behavior supports. Monthly overlaps with each of our consumers are conducted to provide additional support. We provide direct supervision throughout the month for each consumer. We create individualized behavior intervention plans and/or behavior snap shots for all consumers with behavioral challenges. We identify and define the client’s maladaptive behaviors, assess the function of that behavior, determine the antecedents that lead to behaviors and then provide antecedent strategies to reduce the occurrence of the behaviors. Also, we assess the variables that maintain the behaviors and provide consequence strategies to prevent future occurrences of the behavior. Staff are then trained on the behavior intervention plan/snap shot to ensure that the plan is carried out with each of our consumers. We provide Functional Behavioral Assessments and develop token economy systems. In addition, we also assist with transitional placements from developmental centers, forensic involvement, lock settings and DMI units.
Meet our Team

Faustino Ramos
Clinical Director
Phone : (626) 478-0333 Ext: 603
Fanni Sanchez
Assistant Behavior Analyst
Phone : (626) 478-0333 Ext: 601

Carlos Bizzarri
Board-Certified Behavior Analyst
Phone : (562) - 325-3805 Ext 609